
Postovani roditelji ovo je stranica na kojoj miozete ostavljati Vase utiske vezane za dobijeni tretman I napredak Vase dece. A mozete ih pogleati i ostaviti i na Fejsbuk grupi. https://www.facebook.com/groups/726500108002149

6 komentara

  1. Aleksandra

    Ivana nam je jako, jako pomogla. Pored toga što je uspela da ostvari drugarski odnos i odnos pun poverenja i razumevanja sa mojim sinom, kod njega je uspela da probudi motiv za rad i veru u uspeh. Sa napretkom su došli bolji rezultati u školi, a ništa ne može da se meri sa samopuzdanjem i srećom u tim trenucima! Sada je jasno šta i kako treba da se radi, a lakše je kad se zna da se može.

    Draga Ivana, hvala na strpljenju i hvala na požrtvovanom trudu. Sjajan ste stručnjak, a pre svega sjajan čovek!

    • Ivana Dakić

      Hvala Aleksandra na divnim recima. Zadovoljstvo je bilo raditi sa izuzetnim decakom i mamom koja je bila istrajna i prihvatala svaku sugestiju.
      Zato uspeh nije izostao.

  2. Dyslexia is a „spectrum disorder,“ meaning that there is a range or spectrum of symptoms. It has no link to intelligence, though many people feel ashamed at because they struggle with literacy skills – the cornerstone of how we measure ability. With an ever increasing emphasis on education and literacy, more and more children and adults are needing help in learning to read, spell, express their thoughts and acquire adequate use of grammar.

    October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time to share resources in support of children and adults with dyslexia. One such resource is Ivana Dakic – a certified dyslexia specialist.

    Ivana maintains the concept that the best practice for teaching children with dyslexia is to teach them by engaging all their senses (multisensory teaching. This means using visuals, motion, body movement, hands-on, and auditory elements in their learning. „It’s important to find what my students do well and set them up for success through concrete teaching practices.

    In Ivana’s own experience, she has found her students to be both gifted and challenged in ways that are more than exceptional.

    I have never met anyone more uniquely suited to work with dyslexic children than Ivana – seeing how her students are enjoying her classes immensely and not having the fear of struggling to learn! “Despite the difficulties dyslexics experience along the way, they often thrive when challenged, becoming even more intrigued and curious” she says. “We are especially invigorated when our unique perspective is recognized and valued.”

    Her school, a great little home-based private setting, encourages creativity, curiosity, and the inquisitive mind of every child.

    Ivana’s structured literacy instruction is systematic, explicit, cumulative, and diagnostic. It is what makes her school exceptional!

    Shepherd Language School
    Belgrade, Serbia

    • Ivana Dakić

      Thank you so much. Your compliments are even more significant since it came from an exceptional professor and a wonderful woman with whom it was a pleasure to work.

  3. Za Ivanu sve pohvale. Otisli smo kod nje sa suzama u ocima, jer sam mislila da moje dete nikada nece nauciti da cita, da raspoznaje slova, da lepo pise…prosto nije mogla da „cuje sva slova“, sto je za mene kao majku bilo strasno, i naravno u skoli nismo imali nkakve rezultate. Prvi smo razred.Evo vec dva meseca se druzimo sa Ivanom, i poboljsanje se vise nego vidljivo, a moje dete je naucilo da lepo cita, lepo pise, svaki dan od uciteljice dobije „bravo“ u svesci, sto je dodatna motivacija za napredovanje i ucenje i njeno samopouzdanje se povecalo, a sto je najbitnije sada dete ima zelju da pise i cita, sto ranije nije bio slucaj, jer je znalo da ima neki problem. Hvala puno Ivani i nastavljamo druzenje.

    • Ivana Dakić

      Hvala mnogo na lepim rečima. Zadovoljstvo je raditi sa tako divnom i pametnom devojčicom i radovati se njenim uspesima.

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